Supply Chain, the new challenge for companies

Supply Chain, the new challenge for companies

In our last post we addressed the paradigm shift brought about by the pandemic in terms of the new challenges faced by the Administration areas in reference to volumes and diversity of payment channels.

We also mentioned that this transformation not only generated new challenges for the administrative area, but for the entire company.

Today we want to tell you about the new challenges it generates in the Logistics areas.

This sector has been undergoing long months of operations under great stress, with an increase of 24.5% in Spain in 2020 and it is forecasted that by 2021 it will continue to grow at an exponential rate, not only in terms of volume, but also through a diversity of providers, services and new technologies.

The change was drastic. We went to a “door to door” approach overnight, and the Logistics areas of the companies had to restructure their processes as thousands of new and increasing dispatch tickets, product tracking numbers, payments associated with the shipments, shipments of merchandise in transit and various documents became part of the processes of the sector area.

This exponential increase in the volume of orders and documentation tied to these processes, generated difficulty in controlling all the new information that the Logistics areas now have (a problem similar to the one that the Administration and Finance areas have been facing). We know from their experience that trying to solve an exponential problem with a manual solution or spreadsheets is an impossible task.

For these problems there are solutions such as Conciliac, a modular, Data Management Platform, which helps companies standardize and automate a broad range of processes. Considering the various formats involved in a process (like PDF files, Excel or TXTs) it allows the User to Automate the Reconciliation of hundreds or thousands of data in seconds, giving the possibility to teach Conciliac EDM and replicate the methodology of your current process and then being able to do all the work with a single click, in an automated way.

Book a Demo and discover the power of a click in your data management processes.
