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Data, the most difficult patient for the healthcare industry

Data, the most difficult patient for the healthcare industry

In the last 24 months the health industry has occupied a central place in the daily life of the whole world with the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a consequence, this industry, which was already essential, has become even more indispensable.

New challenges emerged, the medical personnel who were on the front line of the fight against the pandemic, were subjected to a great effort in order to face the high demand. But they were not alone, alongside them was a behind-the-scenes work team, who were in charge of ensuring that all the resources that doctors, nurses and patients needed were available at the right time and place.

The stress and excessive working hours of front-line personnel, with an immeasurable vocation, was also accompanied by an increase in volume and new types of data, generated by:

  • implementation of protocols due to the development of the pandemic
  • high rotation of medical personnel and patients
  • an explosion in telemedicine to assist and follow up with COVID-positive patients.

This increase in data in hospitals, health centers and the entire associated industry accentuated a trend mainly in management areas: the need of having accurate information to make the entire system work like a Swiss Watch.

It is particularly significant in this industry to have precise data, since issues such as the stock of the thousands of materials that an operating room, an intensive therapy room, or a first aid center need, are absolutely critical and cannot be ignored. Each process and procedure must work in unison like the instruments of an orchestra.

Data management is a great challenge for this entire industry, especially if we take into account the sensitivity of the information that is handled. But after several months since this new scenario of higher demand peaks began, the health industry has begun to meet this new need, and to significantly improve the data management processes of the different areas even more.

The development of data management technologies has made solutions such as Conciliac EDM available both for the healthcare industry and for many others. This tool is capable of managing through integrations with the databases of hospitals and health centers, the consolidation, reconciliation and finally the validation of all processed data to make decisions on critical issues such as the replacement of supplies, or the increase in temporary staff, are based on verified information.

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